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Meet Cal

Speaker, author, positive deviant, compassionate disrupter,  grounded optimist.

I love people. I love to watch and support what happens when people are willing to think differently and be different in the service of their own aliveness. As a student of life and change, but also of business, healthcare trends, human relationship and authenticity, I bring a perspective that will  invite new ways of considering what is most meaningful. I will make you laugh and I will make you uncomfortable, but that's where growth and new ways of being are born. Spend some time with me and watch your relationships, your heart, your mind and your work open to new possibilities. 


Everybody wants to be seen, but nobody wants to do the hard work of letting others see them.

Being a human is hard.

Focusing on what matters can be even harder. â€‹

I have had an interesting life. From my days as the only female on the boys' soccer team in a rural southern town to my current work leading a successful non-profit creating change in health care, I have seen and felt a lot.  I have worked my whole adult life to see and be with what's true and to make it clear for others in a way that serves love and a bigger vision of what can be. Whether it's a new company, a new organizational culture or just getting un-stuck in your own life, I will bring humor, curiosity and experience to support your next steps. 


I'm a doodler, a skier, a soccer player, a writer, an always-learning guitar player, an amateur chef, a devotee of puns and a parent to a young human who is experiencing school and life in the high-pressure Washington, DC metro area.


My experience as a gender fluid, curious, often surprised person on the planet earth has provided me with hard-won wisdom, endearing (I am told) humor and a disarming ability to laugh with (not at) myself. I will invite you to really and truly show up to your life, your work and your loved ones. I am a student of the heart and of how our brains, our past and our habits can undermine the heart's efforts to show us the way. I love to share stories and strategies that help real people move through their lives and work with grace and joy. There isn't always a bright side, but there's still plenty to do and to be as we put one foot in front of the other.




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