My loves. We must gnash less and love more.

I have been (and likely will be again) guilty of it myself.
It's easy to go to anger and outrage and certainly, there is reason to feel both of those and more.
You're more beautiful and expansive than that though.
Please remember that love and rage are two sides of the same coin. We rage because we love. When what we love is devalued and threatened, we rage.
Then we must return to love.
Thích Nhất Hạnh, famously referred to the Khmer Rouge as "my friends the enemy." He invited us to move away from the delusion that any human is our enemy and, instead, to see hatred, anger, greed, fanaticism, and discrimination as the true enemy.
Listen. I'm not saying this is easy. I'm saying that to do otherwise is to accept our friends the enemy's invitation to harm ourselves. What we cultivate inside ourselves is what we sow outside ourselves.
How do you want the weather to be in your heart? In your cells? What kind of climate will make you most able to show up for other beings and to see clearly that it is the entangled delusions of hate, greed, fanaticism, and discrimination...balled up with fear...that is the true source of our rage?
We will ebb and flow in our ability to find equanimity and to remember that we've always known the strength and beauty of diversity and truth and yes, of science. These deluded people in "power" haven't changed that reality. They're just trying to make us forget it. We won't forget. We know it like we know our own names and our own wounds.
We must love each other and even, to the extent we are able, love the scared, sad, wounded, deluded people who are trying to change our world to fit their small vision of it.
They can't have my heart. They can't have my love for you and for this world.
Don't let them have yours either. Keep seeing. Keep loving. Keep calling your legislators and holding doors for your neighbors.
We shall overcome.